Phone Number List

To understand the differences tween the presented sites look

A pages where the bulk of the content falls into this category. Technically Unique Suppose you want to avoid duplicate content on location pages so you need to rewrite the same information over and over again business description services etc. Look, it’s unique, right? Not really. Technically it’s unique but it doesn’t say anyth new about the location. Hence the quotes. In other words, the content is not repetitive but not that valuable. You’re just us different words to convey the same message. In my opinion this type of content is the worst of the three as it requires manual creation but is no more helpful to the customer.

Than copy and past the source material

Unique Value The third and st content type is Greece Mobile Number List unique value. This content is only available where this page is located. It cannot copied and pasted anywhere else cause the value of the content is tied to the value of the location itself. While creat this type of content takes a lot of work it is also the most helpful and should make up the majority of the content on your location page. What Content to Include on a Location Page Creat enough unique value on a location page to outperform boilerplate content is not easy but it’s not impossible either.

Phone Number List

The follow list contains content features that can

Add a new layer of unique value to your page or proximity page. Paragraph-form content Content in paragraph form is a great way to provide users with information about your location. When writ location pages, focus on information specific to the store the page covers. This is an example of diluted value. All of our locations offer excellent customer service. We are India phone number list very passionate about serv people like you. We are located on the corner of Street and Avenue, a five minute walk from the landmark. There is a time and place for dilutive value.