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Include articles and more for marketing campaigns

A marketing is any use of AI in the context of marketing. It could be a way to draw insights and gather suggestions from existing content like a web page or PDF document. It can also create something from scratch like a blog article or variations of text such as email subject lines. Using ChatGPT for marketing and other AI tools is a nobrainer. AI is to marketers what a jetpack is to rock climbers. No matter what type of use case ideation research comparison insights or content generation you will save a ton of time and effort.

With the upcoming multimodal capabilities

Chat GPT will eventually be able to parse Belgium Mobile Number List and understand images and videos including the text it sees in. Them like turning a sketch on a napkin into working code for a website. Learn essential marketing foundations with Brevo Academy Join the free.Email Marketing course and learn how to create lasting customer relationships. Join Email Marketing Course for free The drawbacks of. AI marketing The most important AIrelated legislation to date the EU Artificial Intelligence Act was drafted before large language models like. ChatGPT and competitors Claude Open Assistant and LaMDA which powers Google Bard were widely used making most of the governing rules on the use of.

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AI irrelevant to marketers and of little protection

To regular users in general. What matters today for AI marketing is legal compliance with existing laws like not sharing user data with third parties without express permission and not using. AI marketing apps or. AI tools to commit plagiarism fraud Estonia phone number list or other crimes. Legal and ethical concerns when using ChatGPT Open AI is headquartered in San Francisco California and. Therefore strictly complies with US regulations making it safe to use their tools for commercial work. Thirdparty apps powered by the ChatGPT API will have their own separate terms of use that require individual consideration. With the above in mind the biggest issue.