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The year What you need to know about

A Whiteboard outlines the process for creat a content engine that drives revenue. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab. Video Transcription Hey Moz Friends. I’m Ross Symonds and today we’re go to talk about someth close to my heart, the idea of us content to generate revenue to generate business results. We’re go to talk about how to create a content market engine that will ultimately make your money rock the boat or disappear I don’t know. But either way what we’re go to talk about today.

I really hope you can apply it to your content market team

And you can apply it to your entire engine and ultimately shape how your content culture operates. It’s rooted in four simple steps to research creation, distribution and optimization. If you can embrace a culture that consistently leverages these four Iceland Mobile Number List ths year after year, quarter after quarter, month after month I lieve you will able to see directly from it the revenue results and goals you set to achieve. Your content engine. Let’s delve into each of them. The first one is research. This is essentially a strategy staff schedule and goals for each different category.

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Strategies Community Research When it comes to research

The strategies you want to adopt upfront and the initial strategies are rooted in ths like community research. What this means This means you’re go to find communities where your audience spends time online. You will enter these communities and you will start to understand the trends and types of content they are consum and the issues they discuss on a regular basis. You’re look for qualitative insights into the problems of the Honduras phone number list audience you want to reach. Keyword Research Then you have to do ths like keyword research. You’ll understand the search intent hind the words your audience enters and types to find questions and find.